Well, I got her home.
The PDI was quick, but thorough. We tested the strength of the catches on the hatch.
No problem as they held with a good bit of tugging.
No spare tire. Not sure yet I'll get one. I do have roadside service - it's not like a
No spare tire. Not sure yet I'll get one. I do have roadside service - it's not like a
13" tire is a rare commodity.
The stabilizers are the crank down type. That was a happy surprise. Overall, fit and
The stabilizers are the crank down type. That was a happy surprise. Overall, fit and
finish was excellent and I'm very happy with it.
Towing behind my Escape was a breeze. Toodled down the highway at 70 - 75 mph
Towing behind my Escape was a breeze. Toodled down the highway at 70 - 75 mph
was no problem. Plenty stable and the aerodynamics appear to be excellent. Got
above 20 mpg, as it was hilly along my 90 mile route. The last 20 minutes was an
absolute downpour. No leaks anywhere when I got home, so that worked out well too.
My plans to put a bigger battery in may be nixed. The battery box actually sits in a
My plans to put a bigger battery in may be nixed. The battery box actually sits in a
metal frame that is obviously sized for a group 24.
Couple of interesting things - if you have a newer Ford with all the lane departure and
Couple of interesting things - if you have a newer Ford with all the lane departure and
stability controls gizmos on it, these cars are notoriously sensitive to trailers with LED
lights. On other trailers, I've gotten bulb failure warnings, quick turn signal blinking, etc.
With the T@G, the lights work normally IF you turn on the headlights. If you don't, then
you get some feedback flickering. So I can live with having the headlights on during tow.
I was directed to this dealer by Little Guy. Holiday on Wheels in Columbia, SC. They
I was directed to this dealer by Little Guy. Holiday on Wheels in Columbia, SC. They
were very nice. Interesting comment - he said that us teardrop buyers were "different" than
his usual customers. I guess we are just easier to deal with, and probably not such hard
bargainers as the big trailer folks. Thought that was funny.
I'll take some pics when I get my gear loaded.
I'll take some pics when I get my gear loaded.